tofino travel

72 Hours in Tofino with Huckberry

Last year, my buddies at Huckberry hit me up with a fun idea, “Shayd can you be our tour guide, we want to come to Canada.” No brainer, I said yes.

We did a whirlwind 72 hour trip from Vancouver to Tofino and back, with a few cool pit-stops along the way in my Landcruiser. Here’s the video they made and a few photos I took along the way…


Photoset : Tofino


I find myself in Tofino often enough for work, but not enough for fun... Growing up on the island, it was always a go-to place for camping and surfing, so last month it felt great to get up there for a week of exploring and camping. 

La Casa Winnebago

La Casa Winnebago

I was fortunate enough to have my bike with me on this trip, camping at my friend Taylor's spot in a trailer park a few minutes outside town... It was a perfect spot to commute on my bike for beer runs at Tofino Brew Co. 

Trailer Park campfire

Trailer Park campfire

We took a day trip out to Kennedy Lake & explored the logging roads...

Followed by a hike & beach fire with some new friends...

Julia flew out from Vancouver on my birthday to hang out on the beach and do some camping... we found a spot right off a beach to do some bouldering, walked along boardwalks and filled up our growler before hitting a beautiful camping spot outside of town on the ocean.